
In the Beginning...
Where do I begin?  Oh yeah, the red pill.  Niobe handed me one on November 18, 2004 (according to my calendar).  She pretended I had a choice, but no one chooses ignorance over answers. I was no different.  I grabbed the capsule of truth without a moment's hesitation.  When I awoke, I wanted to know everything, and they told me.  Neo, Trinity, Morpheus, Smith, The Oracle.  The whole nine yards, or so I thought.  You've heard the stories, so I won't bore you with the details.  You can find everything you need in the Archives.  My life was a lie, just like everyone else's, and I wasn't going to let that continue.  A true neophyte, I had to help Zion free slaves from the bondage the Machines had so carefully constructed.  That much was crystal clear.  Funny how things change...
These days, I don't know who I despise most, those tin bastards for pulling the wool over my eyes, or the zealots for blinding me with their so-called light.  One thing's for sure, I ain't going back, and I didn't come this far just to subscribe to someone else's dogma.  Fortunately, I ran into an operative that worked for The Merovingian.  No one told me about him, and why would they?  He offered a simpler existence.  No cause to die for and no love loss for the Machines.  Get in.  Get the job done.  Get paid.  Sounded like my kind of guy.  I signed up and never looked back.
I know what you're thinking: "What kind of stupid name is SuperJenius?"  You're right, it is stupid, smart ass, but even a cynical bastard like me is allowed to have a sense of humor, isn't he?  Let's just say I was book-smart growing up, but Pop wasn't around to show me the things a "real man" is supposed to know -- fixing cars, building houses, playing baseball.  But then a real man would have stayed with his family, right?  It's funny, for all I know, he was laying in the pod right next to me the whole time.  Too bad his mind was somewhere else.  It doesn't matter now. I've done well enough for myself, and he won't be waking up.  The Machines recycled his body a few years back.  I played it cool, but that kind of news can do a number on you.  At my welcome party with The Oracle, I had my question ready in hand:  "How come I miss someone I barely knew?"  She just took another puff on her cigarette and handed me a cookie.

I love The Matrix. To be honest, when I saw the trailer for the first movie, I thought it was some kind of horror movie with effects. Later I ran across a web site that said it had "some cool martial arts", so I figured I would go see it. I was blown away. Totally. The whole premise was very interesting and the execution was near perfect. I enjoyed the second and third movies as well. While Revolutions didn't quite live up to the excitement created by Reloaded, I thought the trilogy came to a satisfying conclusion. So, I was very excited to hear that the official story would continue in The Matrix Online, and I knew that I had to be a part of it.

Next: The End of Beta...