Congratulations.You have reached the end of mxostory.com. I thank you for choosing this path and I hope you enjoyed the journey. The story continues...
This is the end of the line for me. For various reasons (the biggest being time constraints), it is time for me to move on. I haven't jacked into the game in a long time, and site updates have been slow coming. Lately, I've just been rehashing content that is readily available on Data Node One, so I think the real value in this site is from the early chapters/events. I hope people continue to enjoy that content.
There are too many names to mention, but I'd like to thank everyone that has supported this site, especially those that provided the content. This site would not have existed without you. The site will remain online as long as it is practical. I will correct broken links when possible, but don't expect it to happen too often. If it looks like I'll have to take the site down, I will attempt to turn over the content and the mxostory.com domain to another fan site operator.
This was the first MMORPG I ever played, and being The Matrix, it holds a special place in my heart. I'm going to keep an eye on the story, and who knows, you might just see me in game sometime. Say Hi! I'll close with some early screenshots of my favorite moments with The Company...

... has an End.
