Ciao, Rosapillore.
Some Redpills who have joined Anome have had their backgrounds revealed. All are dangerous. All have sampled the forbidden codes, putting the Matrix at risk. All should, ideally, be terminated quickly. All of Anome's group, which calls itself Unlimit, is not long for this world. Anome ha i giorni contati.
Phinney grew up poor in Limon, where she may return like [as a colorful human saying goes] a dog to its vomit. Her Bluepill youth was unhappy. She was recruited late by a Redpill, Strenlo, who saw her trying to kill herself by jumping from a rooftop. He hyperjumped and caught her; she thought he was some kind of savior, and fell in love, which only grew stronger as he nursed her through the traumatic transition to the real world. He gently spurned her; he was already romantically involved. Phinney became a stalker of Strenlo and his girlfriend, Yuen Li. She was disciplined by the Zion authorities. Yuen Li was killed in the battle of Zion, but Strenlo avoids her still. She may hate him and seek to kill him with her new powers.
Phinney was recently caught obtaining code relating to aqueduct flow control, but escaped Agents dispatched to the scene. What she was doing is unknown.
Crop was Redpilled as a baby, according to optimal Zion practices. He was naturally talented at skill enhancement, assimilating learning tapes as naturally and easily as the equally gifted Trinity. Crop has a defect of character, however: he is addicted to risk. Agents came close to killing him on numerous occasions, which we believe he orchestrated on purpose.
Crop's brinkmanship led to numerous mission partners dying in the Matrix. He became a pariah. We believe his wounded narcissism led him to Anome, where he can simultaneously sneer at the society (Zion) that rejected him and embrace a new level of thrilling risk.
Beirn is reportedly obsessed with Persephone. We expect him to run afoul of the Merovingian and be removed as a problem quite soon.
Caboclo is Brazilian, with memories of growing up in a village on the Rio Negro (all artificial, of course) eating fish and tapioca and hearing howler monkeys at night. His family emigrated to the Megacity when he was ten (or they were awakened then, anyway) and has never felt at home, here.
So even though he was Redpilled fairly late, at fourteen, transfiguring was no worse than the traumatic move from the river to the Megacity. For him, the river remains a distant paradise that he wishes he could return to, if only we Machines would create it.
He seems to have drifted into Anome's orbit because of his friendship with Crop, and perhaps Crop's proximitous bad luck will work its way on Caboclo, soon. Analysts believe he may be the weak link of Unlimit; do not kill him on sight.
Wendigo is a strange girl whose origin is mysterious. Her late transformation went amiss and brain damage resulted. She mumbles. A Wendigo sentence includes garbles amid the information: "Mrmus ditt Redpill…you dead wallimmis mm." She has proved lethal on enough occasions that caution is advised.
Tungsten is reportedly fascinated by the incomplete but compelling philosophy of life-as-energy. While this also enjoys some currency among the machines, Tungsten's enthusiasm tends toward the softer, poetic and unrigorous expressions of this idea. It should be easy for you to engage her in discussion in ambiguous terms.
Casque and Genev have been killed. Thank you to all who contributed, including Plizkin, Mobu, Aquatium, Azul.
Pax Vobiscum.
Agent Pace