A curious letter has been circulating amongst the redpills of Mega
City, creating all manner of speculation around the letter's origin.
But the most interesting theory suggests that the letter's origin is
less important than it's supposed purpose, which is thought to contain
information important to the search for Neurophyte.
While rumors abound, it is at least curious that when asked, members of
all three Organizations were either suddenly unavailable for comment,
or they flatly refused to discuss the matter outright.
What follows is the enigmatic text in question, I'll leave it to you to make sense of it all.
Every man has a gift, child.
Even a man who lays a burden on society.
My gift is the gift of a second vision.
Let me share what I have... sensed.
You seek a woman of uncommon ability.
She is trapped, a fly in smooth amber.
She cannot leave. She cannot escape.
In one world she bleeds into rough stone.
In another she stands ravaged by wind.
Help her come into this world.
You must stand where she stands.
tapping blindly into place.
When you stand there, you must speak to her a word.
The word is vital.
FIAT, the speaking of code into this world.
Let it be done.
Here is her location,
where she stands unseen by you.
But heard by me.
For you who count the days with an enumerator,
A four place number that combined is negative ten.
The first digit is unity. The second digit is nought.
This is her final coordinate.
And will be the top of a building in Richland.
All of the coordinates of her location,
added together...
Equal nothing. Zero. Nought.
Speak your word at this location,
after the seventeenth hour in this MegaCity.
Your word is the encryption code, known as FIAT,
which will reveal her presence.
The code word is derived from a number.
Fibonacci's sequence.
The code is simplicity.
One being the alpha letter.
Two as beta.
Zero as "o."
Listen with your ears...
as I speak a word in the code.
The twelfth Fibonacci sequence number-
144, is rendered into "add."
The fifteenth Fibonacci number,
610, is rendered into "fao."
The thirty-third Fibonacci number,
3524578, is rendered thus into "cebdegh."
You who count the days with an enumerator,
Your Fibonacci number,
which you will render into FIAT code...
It is as many as the metal pipes on the organ,
In the Mara Congregational Church.
Feel them with your fingers,
wood, then steel, then wood.
Decrease the number of pipes
by the number of floors of the City Courthouse.
Decrease your number again
by ten times the number of forklifts,
I hear at Mahath Tower
Decrease your number one final time,
by the number that Neo bore.
This is your Fibonacci sequence number,
and the number you must convert to FIAT code.
Your word will have five letters.
Feel the path:
Find the rooftop in Richland
which coordinates equals zero,
and which have a negative coordinate,
as their final value.
Find her FIAT,
converting Fibonacci's numbers into a word.
Stand at her location.
Speak her word after,
the seventeenth hour in MegaCity.
She will return.